Welcome to my 20 year old practice, I hope I am able to support you with what ever you are seeking help with. What ever is troubling you or what ever issues you need to unravel and look at my hope is being heard by a trained compassionate heart will feel supportive.
I offer in-person sessions, telephone sessions, online sessions and home visits. I can help you with …
Emotional Issues
All Illnesses
Emotional Abuse
Anxiety and Depression
Sex Addiction
Giving up Smoking
Cannabis Addiction
Waking with Anger
LifeĀ Transitions
Career Counselling
Chronic Fatigue
Diet and Nutrition
Physical Abuse
Domestic Violence
Low Self Confidence
Abuse Infertility
Panic Attacks
Loss of Faith in Life
Working with Fears
Fear of Failure
Trust Issues
Relationship Issues
Money Issues
Covid-19 recovery
I have been trained as a nurse and have had 20 years working as an intensive care nurse in the NHS. Subsequently, I trained as a counsellor. The combined experience has enable me to work passionately with health and well-being.
This is an extraordinary time we are living through and I believe that it is also an extraordinary opportunity to heal. Our brains and bodies can easily go into overwhelm and fight for fright with a global incident like Covid-19. Re-balancing mind, body, emotions and spirit and healing any shock can return us to good mental health. Our nervous system can heal and we can learn to relax and trust life again.
Emotional issues
So often people can feel unsure about expressing emotions and feelings. In our society and in a family of origin many emotions and feeling are not welcomed. I have worked with hundreds of people over the years freeing themselves from blocked emotional expression. This is so helpful for the whole body has held in emotions often cause tension and stress.
All illness
Having been trained as a nurse before becoming a trained counsellor I’ve always enjoyed supporting people with physical emotional illness. Helping with the many issues that come up for them when they are ill.
Grief in its many different forms can benefit from being held by a trained therapist. People often find it easier to “find” their grief whilst being supported.
Some people bury their grief for a long time. Whether your grief is from a long time ago or more recent all the feelings will be welcomed by me.
Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse can be hidden affliction and the recipient may have confused feelings of low self esteem, fear, overwhelm and may find intimacy difficult.
Unravelling the abuse and sharing it and being supported and believed can be very healing. In time with guidance you can regain your worth and confidence and safety working with trained counsellor.
Panic attacks
Panic attacks can be limiting and very frightening experience. Learning tools and unravelling the triggers for the panic can help you to regain safety and to become resourced.
Anxiety and depression
Such a large proportion of humanity is suffering from anxiety, depression and some people suffer both. These conditions are debilitating and have the effects of limiting life capacity and people’s ability to function.
People sometimes choose counselling to support themselves to find support, to heal and manage anxiety and depression. Healing unresolved issues, feelings and emotions and find inner resources can help to make a change in managing life.
Giving up smoking
I have witnessed people feeling they have failed when they have tried to give up smoking numerous times without the results they want. Having support to uncover “route” reasons for needing to smoke and addressing them in a kind supportive environment can greatly help the process. Then finding ways to meet our needs in a way that we consciously choose.