Tools I may teach you
If you are open to learning tools to support your healing and self empowerment these are some of the tools I can offer you.
Chakra Breathing
An energetic breathing meditation to help clear the blockages in your body and to free up emotions to be expressed.
Logo Synthesis
A clever energy practice to unravel old neural pathways and start to rebuild new ones.
Breath Body Awareness
Learning how to identify body messages and how to move into them and how to free up feelings.
Deep Relaxation
I specialize in stress management and in teaching people how to learn how to relax and how to manage their stress levels.
Mindfulness and Meditation
I offer guidance in learning how to cultivate the ability to observe our own behaviour and how to question our minds.
Self Parenting
Learning how to develop a compassionate inner parent who can hold the torments (anger, grief and more) that are in the inner child and teenager. Also learning how to listen into their painful emotions and feelings.
Learning how to use ritual to support your intentions and healing.
Shamanic Journeying
A beautiful healing way of gaining guidance and healing and teachings from the spiritual world.
Listening to Your Health
So many of us these days operate from our busy minds. I teach you how to listen to your health.
Sound Tools
I can teach you how to find your voice and how to use sound to express your self and to unlock your creativity.