Suzanne is a wonderful therapist and I count my self very lucky to have found her. She is compassionate, caring, plus empathic with extra ordinary generosity.
She helped me through some very tough times, including the death of my son.
We have wept together and roared with laughter together.
I honestly don’t know how I would have managed without her.
I felt so held and accepted by Suzanne, she supported me through the shocks, grief and rage of my daughter committing suicide. I never dreamt I could ever enjoy my life again I felt so guilty. But I have my life back in a different form. I receive long term support from Suzanne.
I interviewed three counsellors and I chose Suzanne because she is so human and compassionate. I made the right choices – she was brilliant.
I got to understand the underlying issues and emotions around what was going on for me. I have now pulled through a very difficult patch of illness. Thank you Suzanne.
Suzanne has a heart. I am a single parent and her generosity with changing her rate of payments to enable me to have counselling was a life saver. Also her flexibility around appointment times and length of session made if possible for me to look at and heal childhood issues of sexual abuse. I am so grateful.
Talking about my self was a scary thing for me until I had my first counselling experience with Suzanne. Her heart centeredness helped me to be with the painful emotions and feelings I had avoided all my life. It feels like a rebirth now that I can feel and express.
Learning logo-synthesis was an eye opening break through for me and has helped me and my family. I learnt how to recognise when I had “gone into my wounded child” and learnt how to bring my self back into the adult in me. This has made a big difference to my relationships.
Coming to terms with the effects of my dysfunctional childhood had been painful. Suzanne enabled me to learn how to take responsibility and how to be intimate. The whole with Suzanne has been a heart opening journey.